55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough

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Written By Seth Godin

With five years of experience as a website content creator, 

Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline that can lead to significant breakthroughs in our lives. When combined with prayer, fasting helps to deepen our relationship with God and align our hearts with His will. It is during these times of seeking and surrendering that we can experience profound transformation, guidance, and deliverance.55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough By dedicating ourselves to fasting, we open the door for divine intervention in areas where we may feel stuck or challenged.

The 55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough offer a comprehensive guide to seeking divine intervention in various aspects of life. Each point encourages believers to pray earnestly for clarity, healing, guidance, and restoration, enhancing their spiritual journey. Through focused fasting and prayer, individuals can invite God’s presence and experience transformative breakthroughs.

55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough To assist in your fasting journey, we have compiled 55 prayer points specifically designed for breakthroughs. These points will guide your prayers and focus your heart on specific areas where you desire God’s touch. As you meditate on these prayer points, remember to approach God with faith, believing that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask or think.

Table of Contents

Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough

Here are some specific prayer points to consider during your fasting period. Pray for clarity and direction in your life, asking God to reveal His purpose for you. Seek His favor in your endeavors, whether in your career, relationships, or personal growth. 55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough Additionally, pray for the strength to overcome any obstacles that may hinder your progress. As you intercede for breakthroughs, remember to express gratitude for God’s past faithfulness and trust Him for the future.

It is important to maintain a spirit of humility and dependence on God throughout your fasting. As you pray over these points, invite the Holy Spirit to lead you in your supplications. 55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough This is not just a time for asking but also for listening and receiving guidance. Commit to a regular practice of prayer and fasting, and watch as God responds to your faith with miraculous breakthroughs.

55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough

1. Pray for Spiritual Clarity

Ask God to illuminate your path and provide clear guidance in your spiritual journey. Seek wisdom to understand His will and direction for your life. Clarity helps to dispel confusion and align your actions with God’s purpose.

2. Pray for Divine Favor

Request God’s favor in all areas of your life, including your career, relationships, and endeavors. Favor can open doors and create opportunities that lead to breakthroughs. Trust in God’s grace to provide what you cannot achieve on your own.

3. Pray for Healing

Intercede for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for yourself and others. Fasting enhances your prayers for healing, invoking God’s power to restore health and wholeness. Declare God’s promises over those who are suffering.

4. Pray for Financial Breakthrough

Ask God to provide financial stability and abundance. Seek His intervention in areas of debt, lack, or poverty. Trust in His provision as you take steps toward responsible financial stewardship and generosity.

5. Pray for Relationship Restoration

Bring before God any broken relationships in your life. Seek reconciliation, understanding, and healing among family members, friends, or coworkers. Pray for a spirit of forgiveness and love to prevail.

6. Pray for Guidance in Decision-Making

Request divine wisdom for crucial decisions in your life. Ask God to guide you through His Word and the Holy Spirit, ensuring your choices align with His plan and purpose for you.

7. Pray for Protection

Pray for God’s protection over yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Seek refuge in His promises of safety and deliverance from harm, both seen and unseen. Declare His angels to guard against any threats.

8. Pray for Deliverance from Addiction

Intercede for freedom from any form of addiction or stronghold in your life or the lives of others. Ask God for deliverance and the strength to overcome temptations and regain control.

9. Pray for Empowerment of the Holy Spirit

Seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pray for empowerment to live out your faith boldly and to fulfill God’s calling. Invite the Spirit to lead, guide, and transform you.

10. Pray for Fruitfulness

Ask God to make your life fruitful in all aspects spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Seek to bear fruit that reflects His character and impacts the lives of those around you.

11. Pray for Breakthrough in Your Career

Intercede for progress and success in your professional life. Request God’s guidance in navigating challenges and favor in your workplace, leading to promotions and opportunities.

12. Pray for Strength During Trials

Seek God’s strength to endure and persevere through difficult times. Trust in His sustaining power to carry you through challenges, developing your character and faith in the process.

13. Pray for Revival in Your Community

Pray for spiritual awakening in your community or church. Ask God to ignite a passion for Him among His people and to draw the lost back to Him.

14. Pray for Wisdom and Discernment

Request wisdom to make sound judgments and discernment to recognize the right path. Ask God to help you navigate complex situations with clarity and insight.

15. Pray for Boldness in Evangelism

Ask for courage to share your faith with others. Seek God’s empowerment to overcome fear and to be a bold witness for Christ in your everyday life.

16. Pray for a Renewed Mind

Request a transformation of your mind to align with God’s thoughts and purposes. Seek to renew your perspective through His Word, allowing it to shape your beliefs and actions.

17. Pray for New Opportunities

Intercede for God to open new doors of opportunity in your life. Ask Him to provide the right connections, resources, and timing for the new ventures He has for you.

18. Pray for Patience and Endurance

Seek God’s grace to develop patience as you wait for breakthroughs. Pray for endurance to remain steadfast in faith, trusting in His timing and promises.

19. Pray for Emotional Healing

Intercede for healing from past wounds, traumas, or disappointments. Ask God to restore your heart and mind, bringing comfort and peace to your emotional struggles.

20. Pray for a Heart of Worship

Seek a deeper heart of worship and adoration for God. Pray that your fasting becomes an expression of love and devotion, drawing you closer to Him.

21. Pray for Peace in Troubling Times

Request God’s peace to guard your heart and mind during uncertain or stressful situations. Trust in His promises to bring comfort and calm amidst chaos.

22. Pray for Unity in the Church

Intercede for unity among believers, asking God to heal divisions and foster a spirit of love and cooperation. Seek His guidance to strengthen the body of Christ collectively.

23. Pray for the Salvation of Loved Ones

Bring before God the names of family members or friends who do not know Him. Pray for their hearts to be softened and for opportunities to share the gospel with them.

24. Pray for Clarity in Your Purpose

Seek God’s revelation of your purpose and calling in life. Ask for clarity regarding your gifts and how to use them to serve Him and others effectively.

25. Pray for Breakthrough in Your Ministry

Intercede for your ministry or the ministries you support. Ask for growth, impact, and effectiveness in spreading the gospel and meeting the needs of the community.

26. Pray for Discernment in Relationships

Seek God’s guidance in your relationships, asking for discernment to recognize healthy and unhealthy dynamics. Pray for wisdom in building meaningful connections.

27. Pray for God’s Love to Overflow

Request that God’s love fills your heart and overflows into the lives of others. Ask for the ability to love unconditionally and to reflect His love in your interactions.

28. Pray for Spiritual Growth

Intercede for personal spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Seek a closer relationship with Him through prayer, study, and fellowship.

29. Pray for the Healing of the Land

Bring before God the needs of your nation or community. Pray for healing from social, economic, and political issues, asking for His intervention and restoration.

30. Pray for a Teachable Spirit

Seek a heart that is open to learning and growth. Ask God to help you remain humble and receptive to His instruction and correction.

31. Pray for Accountability

Request God to provide you with trustworthy friends or mentors who can hold you accountable in your spiritual journey. Seek relationships that encourage growth and honesty.

32. Pray for Freedom from Fear

Intercede for freedom from fear and anxiety. Ask God to fill you with His perfect love, which casts out fear, granting you peace in every situation.

33. Pray for Effective Communication

Seek God’s guidance in your communication with others. Pray for clarity, understanding, and kindness in your conversations, fostering healthy relationships.

34. Pray for Breakthrough in Creativity

Intercede for inspiration and creativity in your personal or professional pursuits. Ask God to spark new ideas and innovations that can lead to breakthroughs.

35. Pray for Hope in Despair

Request God’s hope to fill your heart when facing discouragement or despair. Trust in His promises that He has plans for your future and a hope-filled outcome.

36. Pray for Self-Control

Seek God’s strength to exercise self control in areas where you struggle. Ask for the discipline to make choices that honor Him and reflect His character.

37. Pray for a Spirit of Gratitude

Intercede for a heart filled with gratitude, acknowledging God’s blessings and provisions. Thank Him for His faithfulness, even in challenging times.

38. Pray for Breakthrough in Education

Request God’s favor and guidance in your educational pursuits. Pray for wisdom, understanding, and opportunities for growth in your learning journey.

39. Pray for an Open Heart

Seek an open heart to receive God’s truth and love. Ask Him to help you remain receptive to His voice and guidance, even when it challenges your current beliefs.

40. Pray for Breakthrough in Parenting

Intercede for wisdom and grace in your role as a parent. Ask God to guide you in nurturing and teaching your children, helping them grow in faith.

41. Pray for Surrender

Request the strength to surrender your will and desires to God. Seek His guidance in letting go of control and trusting Him fully in every aspect of your life.

42. Pray for God’s Word to Penetrate Hearts

Intercede for the power of God’s Word to reach those who are lost. Pray for hearts to be softened and open to receiving the gospel message.

43. Pray for Divine Connections

Seek God to bring the right people into your life who can help you grow and fulfill your purpose. Pray for meaningful relationships that provide encouragement and support.

44. Pray for Breakthrough in Technology

Intercede for advancements in technology that can enhance communication, spread the gospel, or improve lives. Ask God to guide innovation that serves His purposes.

45. Pray for Overcoming Doubts

Request strength to overcome doubts about God’s promises. Ask for faith to trust in His plans and the courage to step forward, even when you cannot see the outcome.

46. Pray for Breakthrough in Mental Health

Intercede for those struggling with mental health issues. Ask God to bring healing, hope, and support to those in need, fostering a culture of understanding and compassion.

47. Pray for Freedom from Guilt and Shame

Seek God’s grace to release guilt and shame from past mistakes. Ask for His forgiveness and the ability to move forward with renewed purpose and joy.

48. Pray for the Wisdom of Leaders

Intercede for leaders in your community, church, and nation. Ask God to grant them wisdom, integrity, and discernment in their decision making, impacting the world for good.

49. Pray for Breakthrough in Time Management

Request God’s help in managing your time effectively. Seek His guidance in prioritizing tasks and commitments that align with His purpose for your life.

50. Pray for a Spirit of Joy

Seek God’s joy to fill your heart, replacing any feelings of sadness or despair. Pray for a cheerful spirit that reflects His goodness and love in your life.

51. Pray for Courage to Step Out in Faith

Request the courage to take bold steps in faith, even when circumstances seem uncertain. Ask God to strengthen your resolve to trust Him fully, leading you to new opportunities and experiences.

52. Pray for Restoration of Dreams

Intercede for the revival of dreams and aspirations that may have been abandoned or forgotten. Ask God to reignite your passion and guide you in pursuing His plans for your life.

53. Pray for Breakthrough in Communication Skills

Seek God’s assistance in enhancing your communication abilities. Pray for clarity in expressing your thoughts and feelings and for the ability to listen effectively to others.

54. Pray for Breakthrough in Serving Others

Intercede for a greater heart for service, asking God to open your eyes to the needs around you. Pray for opportunities to serve others and make a positive impact in your community.

55. Pray for a Spirit of Hope

Request God to fill your heart with hope, especially during challenging times. Ask Him to help you see the light in difficult situations, trusting in His goodness and future promises.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the significance of fasting in prayer?

Fasting enhances prayer by deepening our focus and dependence on God. It allows us to clear distractions, align our hearts with His will, and invite divine intervention for breakthroughs.

How do I effectively combine fasting and prayer?

To combine fasting and prayer effectively, choose a specific purpose or need to focus on during your fast. Set aside time for prayer, scripture reading, and reflection, allowing God to guide your heart and intentions.

Can anyone participate in fasting and prayer?

Yes, anyone can participate in fasting and prayer, regardless of their spiritual maturity. It’s important to approach fasting with sincerity and an open heart, seeking to grow closer to God.

How long should I fast for breakthroughs?

The duration of a fast can vary depending on individual circumstances and spiritual goals. Whether for a day, a week, or longer, the key is to remain committed to prayer and seeking God throughout the fast.


55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough Fasting is a vital spiritual practice that can unlock breakthroughs in various areas of your life. By dedicating time to prayer and fasting, you create space for God to move powerfully in your situation. The 55 prayer points provided serve as a helpful guide for focusing your prayers and seeking God’s intervention.

55 Fasting Prayer Points for Breakthrough As you engage in fasting, remember to stay persistent and patient, trusting in God’s timing. Breakthroughs often require perseverance and faith, so continue to seek Him earnestly. Embrace this spiritual journey, knowing that your commitment to prayer and fasting will yield the fruit of His promises in your life.

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