60 Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion

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Written By Seth Godin

With five years of experience as a website content creator, 

60 Prayer Points for Church Growth can be a powerful tool for any congregation seeking to expand its reach and impact. Prayer serves as the backbone of a thriving church. When members unite in prayer, they invite divine guidance and strength. This list of prayer points can help churches focus their prayers on specific needs and goals.

Incorporating Prayer Points for Church Growth into your weekly services can ignite passion among your congregation. Each point encourages prayer for new members, community outreach, and spiritual renewal. By actively engaging in these prayer points, your church can cultivate an environment ripe for growth and transformation.

What scripture talks about church growth?

When we talk about church growth, many scriptures come to mind. One key verse is Acts 2:47, which says, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” This highlights how prayer and community can lead to growth. Additionally, Matthew 28:19-20 encourages believers to go and make disciples. These verses remind us that church growth often comes through outreach and prayer.

If you’re looking for specific Prayer Points for Church Growth, consider focusing on unity and outreach. Pray for God to send workers into the harvest. Also, ask for wisdom in reaching your community. Consistent Prayer Points for Church Growth can inspire your church family and strengthen your mission. Ultimately, prayer is essential for fostering a vibrant and growing church community.

60 Prayer Points for Church Growth

60 Prayer Points for Church Growth

Prayer is a powerful tool that can foster spiritual growth and unity within a church community. These 60 prayer points are designed to inspire and guide your congregation in seeking God’s direction for revitalization and expansion.

  1. Seek God’s Guidance
    Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance. Ask Him to lead your church in the right direction. Prayer point for church growth begin with understanding God’s plan. Trust His direction and discern His voice amidst challenges.
  2. Pray for Unity
    Unity among church members is crucial. Pray for a spirit of harmony and collaboration. When everyone works together, church growth flourishes. Use these prayer point for church growth to encourage love and understanding within the congregation.
  3. Intercede for Leadership
    Lift up your church leaders in prayer. Ask God to give them strength and vision. Strong leadership is vital for growth. Utilize these prayer point for church growth to support and empower your church leaders daily.
  4. Request Spiritual Awakening
    Pray for a fresh spiritual awakening in your church. Ask God to ignite passion and zeal among members. Revive the hearts of your congregation. These prayer point for church growth emphasize the importance of spiritual fervor.
  5. Pray for Increased Attendance
    Seek God’s favor for higher attendance. Pray that more people will be drawn to your church. Invite newcomers to experience God’s love. Use these prayer point for church growth to ask for divine intervention in attendance.
  6. Ask for Community Impact
    Pray for your church to make a positive impact in the community. Ask God to open doors for outreach. A church that serves grows spiritually. Include these prayer points for church growth to emphasize community service.
  7. Request Financial Provision
    Pray for God’s provision for your church’s needs. Ask for financial support to carry out the church’s mission. Abundant resources allow for greater outreach. These prayer point for church growth focus on financial blessings and stability.
  8. Pray for Effective Evangelism
    Intercede for effective evangelism strategies. Ask God to empower your church members to share their faith. Prayer point for church growth often highlight evangelism as a key area for outreach and connection with new believers.
  9. Seek God’s Favor
    Pray for God’s favor upon your church. Ask for blessings in all church endeavors. Favor from God leads to growth and expansion. Use these prayer points for church growth to invite divine favor into your church community.
  10. Intercede for New Believers
    Pray for the new believers in your church. Ask God to strengthen their faith and guide their journey. Support for new members is essential for church growth. Include these prayer points for church growth to nurture spiritual growth.
  11. Pray for Family Involvement
    Seek God’s blessing on families within the church. Pray for their active participation in church life. Strong families contribute to a vibrant church community. Use these prayer points for church growth to encourage family involvement.
  12. Request Vision and Mission Clarity
    Pray for clarity in your church’s vision and mission. Ask God to reveal His purpose. A clear mission attracts and retains members. Utilize these prayer points for church growth to seek understanding and direction.
  13. Ask for Discipleship Opportunities
    Pray for effective discipleship programs in your church. Ask God to raise up leaders who can mentor others. Discipleship is vital for spiritual growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the importance of training new believers.
  14. Intercede for Church Events
    Pray for the success of church events and activities. Ask God to draw people to these gatherings. Events foster community and fellowship. Use these prayer points for church growth to ensure engaging and impactful events.
  15. Seek God’s Healing
    Pray for healing within your church community. Ask God to restore relationships and mend brokenness. Healing leads to a stronger, unified church. These prayer points for church growth focus on spiritual and emotional restoration.
  16. Pray for Spiritual Gifts
    Seek God’s guidance in discovering spiritual gifts among members. Pray for the activation of these gifts for service. Utilizing spiritual gifts enhances church growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to encourage participation and empowerment.
  17. Request Protection from Division
    Pray for protection against division and conflict. Ask God to keep the church united and focused. A harmonious church grows in love. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the importance of peace and unity.
  18. Intercede for Children and Youth
    Pray for the children and youth in your church. Ask God to draw them closer to Him. Engaging the younger generation is essential for future growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to nurture their spiritual lives
  19. Ask for Outreach Opportunities
    Pray for new opportunities to reach out to the community. Ask God to provide avenues for service and connection. Outreach expands the church’s influence. These prayer points for church growth focus on effective community engagement.
  20. Seek God’s Blessings on Ministries
    Pray for all church ministries to flourish. Ask God to bless the work being done. Vibrant ministries contribute to overall growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to support the diverse ministries in your church.
  21. Pray for Spiritual Protection
    Intercede for spiritual protection over your church community. Ask God to guard against negative influences. A protected church thrives spiritually. These prayer points for church growth highlight the importance of spiritual safeguarding.
  22. Request Opportunities for Fellowship
    Pray for more opportunities for fellowship among church members. Ask God to foster deeper connections and relationships. Fellowship strengthens the church community. Use these prayer points for church growth to enhance social bonds within the church.
  23. Ask for an Outpouring of Grace
    Pray for an outpouring of God’s grace in your church. Ask for grace to abound in relationships and interactions. Grace is essential for a thriving community. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the need for God’s grace.
  24. Intercede for Global Missions
    Pray for your church’s involvement in global missions. Ask God to inspire a heart for mission work. Missions expand the church’s reach beyond local boundaries. Use these prayer points for church growth to encourage worldwide engagement.
  25. Seek God’s Wisdom in Decision-Making
    Pray for wisdom in church decision-making processes. Ask God to guide leaders in making choices that honor Him. Wise decisions lead to healthy growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the importance of divine wisdom.
  26. Pray for Lasting Impact
    Seek God’s help for your church to make a lasting impact. Pray for transformative changes in lives and communities. Impactful churches draw more people. Use these prayer points for church growth to focus on meaningful outreach.
  27. Request an Increase in Volunteers
    Pray for an increase in volunteers for church activities. Ask God to stir hearts to serve. More volunteers enhance church programs and events. These prayer points for church growth highlight the need for active participation.
  28. Intercede for Spiritual Maturity
    Pray for spiritual maturity among church members. Ask God to help everyone grow in faith and understanding. Maturity fosters a robust church community. Use these prayer points for church growth to promote spiritual development.
  29. Seek God’s Blessings on Finances
    Pray for financial blessings to sustain the church’s mission. Ask God to provide resources for outreach and ministry. A financially stable church grows. These prayer points for church growth focus on economic health.
  30. Pray for a Culture of Prayer
    Intercede for a culture of prayer in your church. Ask God to inspire members to pray regularly. A praying church experiences growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the power of collective prayer.
  31. Request God’s Guidance in Outreach
    Pray for guidance in developing effective outreach programs. Ask God to show the best ways to serve the community. Successful outreach leads to church growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to enhance outreach efforts.
  32. Ask for an Increase in Generosity
    Pray for a spirit of generosity among church members. Ask God to inspire giving towards church initiatives. Generosity fuels growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the need for financial support and resources.
  33. Intercede for Positive Relationships
    Pray for positive relationships within the church community. Ask God to foster love and understanding among members. Healthy relationships promote unity and growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to encourage connection.
  34. Seek God’s Blessings on Church Programs
    Pray for God’s blessing on all church programs. Ask for effectiveness in reaching and teaching members. Successful programs attract more participants. These prayer points for church growth focus on enhancing church initiatives.
  35. Request Mentorship Opportunities
    Pray for opportunities for mentorship in your church. Ask God to raise mentors who can guide others. Mentorship promotes growth and maturity. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the value of personal connections.
  36. Intercede for Supportive Community
    Pray for your church to be a supportive community. Ask God to help members uplift one another. A caring community fosters growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to enhance fellowship and support.
  37. Seek God’s Power in Worship
    Pray for powerful worship experiences in your church. Ask God to inhabit your praises and draw people closer. Worship is vital for spiritual growth. These prayer points for church growth focus on enhancing worship experiences.
  38. Request Creative Ministry Ideas
    Pray for creativity in developing new ministry ideas. Ask God to inspire innovative approaches to outreach. Fresh ideas attract interest and engagement. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the need for creativity.
  39. Ask for a Strong Youth Ministry
    Pray for a strong youth ministry in your church. Ask God to engage and inspire young people. A thriving youth ministry encourages growth. These prayer points for church growth focus on the next generation’s involvement.
  40. Intercede for Lasting Revival
    Pray for a lasting revival in your church. Ask God to bring renewal and transformation. Revivals lead to significant growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to seek a powerful movement of God in your community.
  41. Pray for Emotional Healing
    Seek God’s healing for emotional wounds within the church. Pray for those struggling with past hurts. Healing leads to growth and unity. Use these prayer points for church growth to promote emotional well-being and restoration.
  42. Request a Spirit of Hospitality
    Pray for a spirit of hospitality among church members. Ask God to help everyone feel welcomed and valued. A warm atmosphere encourages newcomers. These prayer points for church growth highlight the importance of welcoming environments.
  43. Intercede for Encouragement
    Pray for encouragement among church members. Ask God to help them uplift one another. A supportive community fosters growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to create an atmosphere of encouragement and positivity.
  44. Seek God’s Vision for Future Generations
    Pray for God’s vision for future generations in your church. Ask Him to help your church invest in youth and children. A focus on future leaders ensures long-term growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize generational impact.
  45. Pray for Strong Small Groups
    Seek God’s guidance for developing strong small groups. Pray that these groups foster relationships and spiritual growth. Small groups are vital for the community. Use these prayer points for church growth to encourage participation in small groups.
  46. Request Opportunities for Serving Together
    Pray for opportunities to serve together as a church. Ask God to create situations where members can work side by side. Serving together strengthens bonds. These prayer points for church growth emphasize teamwork in ministry.
  47. Intercede for Effective Communication
    Pray for effective communication within the church. Ask God to guide leaders in sharing information clearly. Good communication fosters unity and understanding. Use these prayer points for church growth to promote open dialogue among members.
  48. Seek God’s Blessings on New Initiatives
    Pray for God’s blessing on new church initiatives and programs. Ask Him to guide leaders in implementing these efforts. Fresh initiatives can attract new members. These prayer points for church growth focus on innovative ministry opportunities.
  49. Pray for Cultural Relevance
    Intercede for your church to remain culturally relevant. Ask God to help your church connect with the community’s needs. Culturally relevant churches grow. Use these prayer points for church growth to promote engagement with contemporary issues.
  50. Request God’s Guidance in Counseling
    Pray for God’s wisdom in offering counseling services. Ask Him to guide church leaders in providing support. Counseling helps heal and grow individuals. These prayer points for church growth highlight the importance of emotional care.
  51. Intercede for Global Connections
    Pray for connections with churches around the world. Ask God to strengthen partnerships for missions and outreach. Global connections enrich your church’s perspective. These prayer points for church growth focus on international collaboration.
  52. Seek God’s Favor in Leadership Development
    Pray for God’s favor in developing new leaders. Ask Him to raise up individuals with a heart for service. Strong leaders contribute to church growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the need for effective leadership.
  53. Request Protection from Burnout
    Pray for protection against burnout among church leaders and members. Ask God to refresh their spirits and energy. Healthy, energized individuals contribute to growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to promote well being.
  54. Intercede for Prayer Warriors
    Pray for dedicated prayer warriors in your church. Ask God to raise individuals committed to intercession. A strong prayer ministry is essential for growth. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the power of prayer.
  55. Seek God’s Guidance for Outreach
    Pray for divine guidance in your outreach strategies. Ask God to reveal effective ways to engage the community. Well-planned outreach efforts lead to growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to enhance your outreach approach.
  56. Pray for a Thriving Women’s Ministry
    Seek God’s blessings on your church’s women’s ministry. Pray for empowerment and connection among women. A thriving ministry supports growth in many areas. These prayer points for church growth focus on women’s contributions to the church.
  57. Request a Heart for Missions
    Pray for a heart for missions within your church. Ask God to inspire members to participate in mission work. Missions broaden the church’s reach. These prayer points for church growth emphasize the significance of global outreach.
  58. Intercede for Creative Worship Experiences
    Pray for creativity in worship services. Ask God to inspire fresh ideas for engaging experiences. Creative worship attracts and retains members. Use these prayer points for church growth to promote innovative worship.
  59. Seek God’s Peace Amid Challenges
    Pray for peace within your church during challenging times. Ask God to calm fears and anxieties. Peaceful churches thrive spiritually. These prayer points for church growth focus on maintaining harmony during difficulties.
  60. Pray for a Lasting Legacy
    Seek God’s help in building a lasting legacy for your church. Pray for future generations to carry on the mission. A strong legacy ensures ongoing growth. Use these prayer points for church growth to focus on long term impact.


What are Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion?

Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion are specific requests made to God, focusing on various aspects of church life. They aim to inspire congregations to seek spiritual renewal and numerical growth.

How can Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion impact my church?

Utilizing Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion fosters a spirit of unity and purpose. When congregations pray together, they become more aligned with God’s vision for their community.

Can individuals create their own Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion?

Yes, individuals can craft personalized Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion that resonate with their church’s unique needs. Tailored prayers can enhance the focus and effectiveness of communal prayer efforts.

How often should we pray using Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion?

It’s beneficial to incorporate Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion into regular church services, meetings, and personal prayer time. Consistent prayer helps build momentum and encourages ongoing spiritual development.

What specific areas should Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion address?

Effective Prayer Points for Church Growth and Expansion should cover areas such as community outreach, leadership development, and spiritual revival. Focusing on diverse aspects ensures a holistic approach to growth and expansion.


Incorporating prayer points for church growth and expansion is vital for creating a vibrant and united community. These prayer points for church growth and expansion not only foster individual spiritual development but also strengthen the bonds among members, inviting divine guidance and transformation.

As you embrace these prayer points for church growth and expansion, remember that prayer is an ongoing journey. Commit to seeking God’s will, and watch as your church flourishes in faith and unity. Trust in the power of these prayers to bring about growth and meaningful change within your congregation.

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